Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scooter fun...but BLURRY

Wow~how do they learn how to ride these so fast?!

Celebrating Kelly's Birthday!

Olivia, Tom (Keaton's best bud), Keaton and Cora enjoying ice cream!

The Swinging Horse

Katie enjoying the horse swing at the lake.

Just a swingin'

Amanda enjoying her time at the lake.

Tickle Tickle

More goofing around on the 4-wheeler~~
They were best buds by the end of the weekend!

Land of Make Believe...

Keaton and Katie sat on the 4-wheeler
pretending they were driving somewhere!

So Serious

Nice hair!

All in a Days Work

Putting his dump trucks to work.

Just thinking...

Keaton had so much fun playing in the sand...
he stood still like this for maybe 30 seconds, just pondering
on what would be the next job for his dump truck.

Sunset at Lake LaBelle

It was such a nice peaceful sunset...
one of my favorite times of they day to take pictures!

Holy Smokes That's BIG!

Megan's hungry Sunny ate the piece of corn she used for bait!

Another Keeper!

Amanda's BIG Catch

Fishing at Lake LaBelle

Katie's catch! The kids had so much fun fishing and
they each had fun touching them too!

Sun Fish

Look! I caught a Sunny!
(Actually John caught it but let Keaton reel it up)

Playing at the lake

Katie and Keaton playing with sticks they found.
They were quite the buds this weekend! (May30, '09)

Holding On For Dear Life

I was busy watching Keaton pretend to drive
the snowmobile when he said,
"Look how fast I'm going mom!!
Can you take a picture?!"

The Kitty Cat

Joel's family won this 1972 Kitty Cat when it was brand new and now it's time for the grandchildren to drive it. Keaton's doing a little showing off here!! Ha.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What a Zoo!

Picture of our entire family

Take a break

Taking a break on the giant turtle

Two grandsons

Grandpa had fun telling his two grandson's a thing or two about animals...

Grandma at the zoo

Grandma had just as much fun as the little kids at the zoo!

My two guys

As you all know, Keaton is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us! This was such a great day at the zoo and we spent it with A LOT of family~A real day to remember!

Good Swimmer

This duck loves the audiance!

Under the Water

Here's Keaton watching the sea lion...I think he could have watch him for hours!

Chugga Lugga...

Here's Keaton and I taking a Choo Choo ride at the zoo...Keaton said, "Why are we going so slow" and "This is fun mom!"
Here llama llama! Want a treat?!

Friends? I think not!!

This seagull is wanting the prairie dog's lunch...we watched them play "cat and mouse" for awhile until the seagull pecked at the prairie dogs mouth and picked out his lunch...Arrggh~I would have been so mad if I was that prairie dog!

Duluth Zoo

Kaleigha standing at the entrance of our exciting day at the zoo!

Abby's Wedding

The 3 kiddies taking a picture with grandma outside the church.
It was a beautiful day! (5-23-09)

The Slide

Enjoying the outdoors...finally!

Park Time

Keaton enjoying the Barnesville elementary playground.

This is a bad picture, but I think you know where I'm going with this!!

First Bite....Yummm! That's pretty good stuff!

Cotton Candy

" Hmmm...I wonder if it's possible if I could all of this Cotton Candy?"

Wake Up Sleepy!

Still loves his blanky and thumb.

Strike A Pose

This is 6 a.m. getting ready to go to Kati's (daycare)
He wanted to pose for me!
One more picture with the eggs...and his brand new tanker from grandma and grandpa! Oh the posing stunt looks dangerous I know, but luckily grandma is ducking behind the counter making sure he won't fall off the counter. Ha!
One little boy who refused to smile...I think his cousins wore him out!!

Keaton showing off his Easter eggs!
Grandma and Keaton having some fun!!

Easter 09

Oh what fun we had coloring eggs! Keaton had so much fun! We hosted Easter this year, so grandma Bjerk got to help too. We only wished we had more eggs to color than what we had.